Take the wheel?

Recently I came across a few videos by American Idol winner and Country Singer Carrie Underwood. While personally I enjoy the video for “Before he cheats”, I was interested to note that “Jesus take the wheel” had won a bunch of awards including the Grammy award for Best Country Song and Best Female Country Vocal Performance, and the Gospel Music Association's Best Country Single.

Leaving aside the issue of whether the song is stirring and inspirational or vomit-inducing kitsch (I'm torn between these poles...), the theological question it raised for me is, “Does Jesus want to take my wheel?” Is 'Handing things over to God' either practical or theologically coherent and if so, in what sense do we 'give God control'? Speaking personally I can't recall a time when I felt I truly wasn't in control of my actions, and I'm not sure I'd like it if I did feel that way. What I want for myself is not to have an outside entity take control of my life (don't we call that possession?), but rather to be formed in my personality, values and habits such that the choices I make freely and personally are aligned with the goals and values of God who was in Christ.

What does anyone else think?

Liturgical dance?

In a comment on my previous post, Stephen suggests:

Have you considered “upgrading” to a flannelgraph? (iFlannel?) Then all these technical problems would just fade away. Mostly you'd have manually fake dissolves and fades, and keep swapping the lyrics etc.

Maybe the physical activity could double as some sort of liturgical dance.

Unfortunately the idea of seeing me doing a liturgical dance has caused strong men to lose their lunches, particularly after seeing my “Village People” turn...


'Nuff said?

My new toy

Well, I think I have just laid eyes on the sexiest sight of my life (other than my gorgeous wife of course!). My new iPod Shuffle was just delivered and it is absolutely stunning. You just can't believe how tiny and cool it looks till you see it in the flesh. The setup was quick and painless and I am now (10 minutes later) listening to a selection of favourite podcasts and music. Man are the kids at the High School going to be jealous next time I address their assembly. (Because I will wear it of course...) (That's why I got it - to help me understand youth culture...) (Honestly, it's for ministry...)


We want your soul!

On an email list, Darren from planet telex mentioned (with lust in his heart) the 'ShowLED' sample movie, which is totally awesome. While watching the movie I was struck by part of the soundtrack and after some googling discovered the totally awesome track, “We want your soul” by Adam Freeland. There is a free download (note risque language) from the site, but the iTunes version is longer and is also interesting. Adam also had designed a “We want your soul” website to add to the viral marketing of his anti-consumerism message.

Postscript: It does, on further reflection, seem rather ironic that a company producing a promotional video would use as a soundtrack a song decrying consumerism...

A great resource

Further to my last post, if you are interested in exploring a range of music which is outside the bounds of 'church' music but nevertheless has though-provoking, spiritual lyrics, the check out the Alternative Hymnal. While you're there - check out the whole Digital Orthodoxy site - it's a great resource for those in youth ministry (and Darren is a great bloke too!).

Having reread the last two posts I'd better go away for a while and work out some synonyms for “great”.

Great lyrics from Paul Kelly

Today in our morning service I used a great song, Surely God is a lover, as our prayer of praise. Paul Kelly has some great lyrics and was very swift and gracious to grant me permission to use the song. I recommend browsing through his lyrics, then most of the songs can be bought through the iTunes Music store. Another one of his I've used in a church service as part of a contemplation time is Meet me in the middle of the air. Great stuff!

Once again!

Ok, I'm going to try this blogging thing one more time.

This time I've got a widget which lets me quickly dash off a post, so I'll try to be more frequent.

(Repeat after me - blogs are ephemera - they do not have to be well researched, deeply thought out missives...)

I've just finished reading the book “Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2”. What a great book. It's inspired me to go out and buy a bunch of U2 tracks and get back into the band.