
Well it's been a big week. Last Monday the removalists picked us up from sunny Cowra. They arrived at about 8.30am and left about 3.30pm. Airlie and I left at 5.30pm. Suzie left at about 7.00pm after cleaning the house (we're trying to sell it). Then a week ago today the removalists arrived at 9.00am at our new house and 3 hours later, left with the furniture in place and a mountain of boxes in the garage. We've been unpacking, cleaning, unpacking, cursing, unpacking and sleeping ever since.

Of course no move (and change of job) would be complete without a telecom fiasco, so of course I've had one, with my brand new mobile number turning out to belong to someone else who was very upset when suddenly their phone stopped working and I started getting their business calls! So I'm still waiting for the new mobile number, after which my business cards will have to be reprinted and all our friends and family will have to be sent a "Whoops those new contact details have changed already" email.

A nice thing is that my new employer pays for my internet access at home. A not-quite-so-nice thing is that it is 1/3rd the speed of the connection I used to have. Oh well, one of the first things they want me to look at is revamping the website. After I've done that (to show my IT 'cred') I'll ask for an upgrade of the Internet account - even if I have to pay the difference myself!

My new MacBook Pro is yet to arrive so in the office at the moment I am struggling to use the old computer which was left on my desk - MS Outlook on a Pentium 3 processor with a 15" monitor - Ugggggggh! If the Mac doesn't arrive soon I may expire!

Today was a 'down' day - I spent most of the day looking after Airlie while Suzie had a well-earned rest. Tomorrow I brave the Office again to get some important setting up stuff done and to look regularly and forlornly at the parcel delivery area for a package marked 'Apple'.