
For the past three days I've been trying (on and off) to put up a post about a little free utility called Thumbscrew. It's also worth mentioning that I got the tip-off on Thumbscrew from a handy site called FreeMacWare, which gives descriptions, with links, of hundreds of nifty bits of Mac freeware. I subscribe to their feed, which sends me a description of one app each day (though every time I visit to get the link I am seduced by the pretty little icons into exploring and testing ten or a dozen more!).

Anyway the reason for the blog title is that I wanted to include a couple of 'thumbscrewed' pics on the blog, with the thumbnail acting as a link to a Flickr page with the full-size photos. Now admittedly I haven't spend long on this, but I'm getting frustrated at how to do it in ecto. The built-in thumbnail settings seem to pre-suppose that you give ecto a pic which it uploads to your server and also generates (and uploads) a thumbnail. On the other hand if I treat the thumbscrew generated image as just an image to include inline in ecto then I can't see how to associate the link with the image. It would be easy as in an html editor, but my experiments with just adding html to the xhtml mode editing window seem always to lose me the code, the picture or both.

If anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it, and in the meantime, here are a couple of thumbscrewed pics:


with the originals to be found here and here.