A new book for my wishlist

After reading a review of it on faithCommons, I'm keen to get a hold of Brian McLaren's new book, The Secret Message of Jesus. I've enjoyed many of McLaren's books. A Generous Orthodoxy and A New KInd of Christian were both 'old' stuff for me, but A New KInd of Christian expresses some of my thoughts so nicely - it's a great book to introduce people to postmodernism and a (positive) Christian response to it. The second book in the series, The Story We Find Ourselves In is my personal favourite - probably because it's actually starting the job of retelling the Christian story for a postmodern age, not just deconstructing the previous paradigm. The Last Word and the Word After That just didn't grab me because itwas primarily centred around responding to a doctrine (eternal, conscious torment of the damned) which lost my allegiance many years ago.

P.S. I like the look of faithCommons and will be adding it to my 'check regularly' list. There's a great rant with which I wholeheartedly agree here.