Podcast heaven

Shortly after iTunes support for podcasting I got into it in a big way. I subscribed to everthing under the sun. Now I've settled down, picked a few favourites and I thought from time to time I'd highlight my faves.

Some of course are just commercial broadcasts from the ABC (Australian National Broadcaster): Late Night Live, The Science Show, The Religion Report, The Spirit of Things, Life Matters, Dr Karl on JJJ. I love the flexibility of podcasting to time shift, save up for long trips or save 'casts permanently.

But today I thought I'd highlight another fave: Stupid Church People (http://www.stupidchurchpeople.com/podcast.html). Unfortunately STeve and Josh aren't listed on iTunes yet but you can subscribe 'manually' by dragging the RSS symbol from the webpage to your iTunes podcast list and its well worth it.

These guys are hilarious, rude, funny, thought-provoking, humorous, juvenile and side-splitting. Check it out!